Monday, January 24, 2011

Product Recommendation: Undercover Mama

There are a zillion different options for nursing tops, and which one any particular mother likes best is a matter of personal preference. While some mothers prefer to wear specially designed nursing shirts with cleverly concealed openings, one doesn't need any special clothing in order to nurse a baby. Any shirt that you can lift from the hem, a shirt with a scoop or v neck that you can push down or anything that unbuttons down the front can suffice.

I've always been a fan of the v-neck/push down method, although it can be a bit indiscreet for nursing in public. My new favorite option, for times when I want a little more coverage, is the Undercover Mama.

The Undercover Mama is a tank top without straps that attaches with little clips to your nursing bra. It is designed to be worn underneath any shirt and to provide coverage to the back and belly when lifting from the hem for nursing access. You could accomplish the same effect by wearing a built-in bra style nursing tank under your shirt (I like these ones from Target), but I find that the Undercover Mama is a little less bulky. It also allows you to wear your own, perfectly fitted nursing bra. And the Undercover Mama clips to your bra in such a way that one handed nursing access is still possible, which is great because how many moms do you know who have spare hands free?

Now that Meyers has staged his last stand against nursing covers, the Undercover Mama really helps me to nurse discreetly in situations where I want to be discreet (allow me to qualify that by saying I often exercise my right to nurse INdiscreetly!). However, when I want to keep things under wraps a bit, I'm able to do so quite nicely with the Undercover Mama on.

A few days ago I was nursing Rhys at a museum and a group of guys came up and stood literally 2 feet from me. I was sitting there glaring at them, thinking "Pervs!!!" until I realized . . . they HONESTLY had no idea what I was doing (and likely would've been mortified to figure it out!). I was even less conspicuous than I would have been if I were wearing a nursing cover, and that's worth a recommendation, I think.

Nursing my little bundle on Xmas Eve, wearing the Undercover Mama


I was not paid to write this post or to endorse the Undercover Mama (Although now that it's out there, I'd gladly take a free nursing shirt. Maybe? Please? Ok, nevermind.)

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